標題 Title |
盛治﹕一幅新發現的乾隆時期“澳門山水長卷”探析 Prosperous Governance: An Analysis of the Macao Landscape during the Qianlong |
作者 Author |
楊斌 YANG Bin |
摘要 Abstract |
發現於新加坡國立大學李光前博物館的清代澳門山水長卷( 30 x 318 厘米)未曾收錄於有關澳門地圖或繪畫的任何著錄中。在結合同時代的文獻,對其主題、內容和特點尤其是圖中呈現的清代澳門關部行台和稅館等加以比較分析,可知此長卷是一初受西洋畫法影響的中國畫家所作的傳統山水長卷,時間約為乾隆早期或中期(十八世紀中期),是目前發現的最大的一幅澳門地志畫,是中國視野下以澳門為主題的一幅最早最大的中國傳統山水畫。與目前發現的所有中外繪製的澳門地圖和繪畫相比,此卷氣勢雄偉,特點鮮明,其歷史、文化和藝術價值值得澳門學界格外注意。
In spring 2017, the author discovered a Qing landscape painting of Macao in The Lee Kong Chian Collection at the Museum of the National University of Singapore in Singapore. With a length of 318 cm and height of 30 cm, the painting, having never been noticed in any publication or record, is a major discovery for Macao’s history and culture. Combined with contemporary texts, maps and paintings, the author has examined its theme, features, intentions and especially the Macao Custom Office (Hopo or Guanbuxingtai) and Taxation Offices (shuikou) established in the Qing Dynasty. Roughly influenced by western painting techniques and created in the early or middle period of the Qianlong Reign (1735-1796), namely, the mid-eighteenth century, this long scroll of Macao landscape essentially remains a Chinese perspective and stands as a Chinese traditional piece of art, and could be regarded as a topographical painting. As the earliest and largest Chinese landscape painting on Macao, this scroll deserves further study for its historical, cultural and art value. |
關鍵詞 Keywords |
澳門關部行台,稅口,澳門地志畫,澳門山水長卷,中國視野,真蒂洛尼家族珍藏繪畫 Macao Landscape, Hopo, Maritime custom of Macao, Taxation office, Chinese perspective, Topographical painting, Gentiloni painting |
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盛治﹕一幅新發現的乾隆時期“澳門山水長卷”探析alexkot Kot Ka Kit2022-11-11T11:53:23+08:00