標題 Title |
澳門聖保祿學院與明清之際西方大學教育體制的移植 Saint Paul’s College in Macau and the Transplantation of the Education System of Western Universities at the Juncture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties |
作者 Author |
肖朗 XIAO Lang |
摘要 Abstract |
澳門聖保祿學院是在15-17世紀西方大學教育轉型及耶穌會學院興起的歷史背景下產生的。這一時期西方大學為了整頓專業和擴大生源,也為了吸納新的學科知識及其教學內容,通過大辦學院來加強中等教育以及學生入大學前的預備教育,耶穌會學院在歐洲隨之興起,並乘“西學東漸”之勢而遠播印度及東亞地區。作為東亞地區最早的西式大學,澳門聖保祿學院集初等教育、中等教育、高等教育於一體,並借鑑巴黎大學、科英布拉大學和羅馬學院的辦學模式而 形成文理兼融、以文為主的課程體系和教學特色。系統考察和分析澳門聖保祿學院移植西方大學 教育體制的實踐及特色,既有助於深化對其歷史意義的認識,對促進當代高等教育發展也不乏借 鑑價值。
Saint Paul’s College in Macau came into being under the historical background of the transformation of Western university education and the rise of colleges of the Society of Jesus from the 15th to the 17th century. During this period, in order to rectify specialties and expand enrollment, as well as absorb new subject knowledge and its teaching content, Western universities strengthened secondary education and pre-university preparatory education by establishing colleges. Colleges of the Society of Jesus thereupon rose in Europe and spread to India and East Asia with the wave of the eastward dissemination of Western culture. As the first Western university in East Asia, Saint Paul’s College in Macau integrated primary education, secondary education and higher education. It used the education models of University of Paris, University of Coimbra and Roman College for reference, and formed its curriculum system and teaching characteristics which covered both arts and science and gave priority to arts. Systematically investigating and analyzing the transplantation of the education system of Western universities to Saint Paul’s College in Macau and its characteristics is not only conducive to deepening the understanding of its historical significance, but also enlightening to the development of contemporary higher education. |
關鍵詞 Keywords |
依納爵,《耶穌會憲章》,《教學章程》,澳門聖保祿學院,西方大學教育體制 Ignatius of Loyola, Constituciones de la Compania de Jesus(Constitutions of the Society of Jesus), Ratio Studiorum(Regulations for studies), Saint Paul’s College in Macau, The education system of Western universities |
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澳門聖保祿學院與明清之際西方大學教育體制的移植alexkot Kot Ka Kit2022-07-26T10:44:31+08:00