標題 Title |
港澳家族與社會 ──何東與何鴻燊在特殊時期的應變 Family and Society in Macao and Hong Kong: Ho Tung and Ho Hung-sun’s Different Pursuits during Precarious Times |
作者 Author |
鄭宏泰 ZHENG Wan Tai |
摘要 Abstract |
澳門和香港常被形容為兄弟城市,原因是兩地同樣具連結中外、混合華洋特質。同時,兩地近在咫尺,聯繫緊密,所以社經發展能互補長短,特殊時期與情況下的彼此牽引尤其明顯。至於說明二者關係的最佳例子,非歐亞混血的何東家族莫屬,日軍侵佔香港、澳門尚得和平之時又最能反映家族應變與兩地互動。具體而言,香港淪陷後,何東與侄孫何鴻燊均避居澳門,前者年近八十,以年老為由退隱,過着低調生活,後者剛處雙十年華,志大氣銳,一心闖出新天。雖然兩者考慮不同,似沒重疊,但家族社會資本或人脈關係似乎又糾纏其中,甚至可能成為促使後者在那個特殊環境中突圍而出的重要因素。 Macao and Hong Kong are frequently quoted as “sister cities” because of their similar roles of connecting China with the outside world and blending East and West culture. Also, both cities are geographically very close and socio-economically supplementary to each other. Many families flourished in Macao and Hong Kong during different periods of time by tapping into the great opportunities of middlemen’s roles. The Ho Tung family is the most typical. Specifically, during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, both Robert Ho Tung and Stanley Ho Hung-sun took refuge in Macao. Because of old age and to avoid risks, Ho Tung kept a low profile. Conversely, Ho Hung-sun was active and adventurous as he was in his early twenties, striving to build his career. Though these men pursued and thought differently, their family social capital and connections intertwined and seemed to be critically based, which supported and sustained family development. |
關鍵詞 Keywords |
家族關係與資本,港澳聯繫,戰時社會 Family network and capital, Macao-Hong Kong link, war-time society |
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港澳家族與社會──何東與何鴻燊在特殊時期的應變alexkot Kot Ka Kit2022-05-31T17:56:30+08:00