標題 Title |
中華醫學傳教會在鴉片戰爭前夕的衝擊與調整 ──以澳門醫療工作為中心的歷史考察 The Impact on Medical Missionary Society in China and the Adjustment Strategies on the Eve of the Opium War: A Historical Investigation into Medical Work in Macao |
作者 Author |
關俊雄 KUAN Chon Hong |
摘要 Abstract |
中英兩國就鴉片貿易問題而衍生的角力乃至後來爆發的鴉片戰爭中,中華醫學傳教會的醫療工作難免亦受到嚴重影響及衝擊,在這個過程中,中華醫學傳教會如何在進退之間作合適的調整,是其得以繼續在華開展醫療工作的關鍵。本文以中華醫學傳教會相關原始文獻,結合清朝奏摺、《中國叢報》等多種中外文獻所反映的時局背景,對澳門醫院重新開放及其醫療工作作出系統性的論述,並從中窺探中華醫學傳教會在面對中英鴉片爭端乃至鴉片戰爭的過程中所受到的衝擊與相應的調整策略。 The medical work of the Medical Missionary Society in China was inevitably seriously impacted by the tussle between China and United Kingdom over the opium trade and the Opium War that broke out later. In this process, how the Medical Missionary Society in China made appropriate adjustments between advancement and retreatment was the key to continuing its medical work in China. Based on the Medical Missionary Society in China’s related original documents and in combination with the situation background at that time reflected in various Chinese and foreign documents such as memorials to the throne in the Qing Dynasty and Chinese Repository, this paper discusses the re-opening of the Medical Missionary Society’s Hospital at Macao and its systematic medical work, and explores the impact on Medical Missionary Society in China from the opium dispute to the Opium War between China and United Kingdom and the Medical Missionary Society in China’s corresponding adjustment strategies. |
關鍵詞 Keywords |
中華醫學傳教會,中英關係,澳門醫院,合信,雒魏林 Medical Missionary Society in China, China – United Kingdom relations, The Medical Missionary Society’s Hospital at Macao, Benjamin Hobson, William Lockhart |
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Links |
中華醫學傳教會在鴉片戰爭前夕的衝擊與調整──以澳門醫療工作為中心的歷史考察alexkot Kot Ka Kit2022-05-31T18:01:28+08:00