標題 Title |
候選組別背景與區域得票之分析──以當選立法會議員的區域性得票為視角 Group Affiliation of Candidate Groups and Voting Behavior: A Study from the Perspective of Regional Distribution of Votes for Elected Legislative Assembly Members |
作者 Author |
蔡永君,何偉鴻 TSOI Weng Kuan, HO Wai Hong |
摘要 Abstract |
以2013和2017年立法會當選議員組別背景為視角,利用各組別在不同區域獲得的有效票數計算標準化發生比(Standardized Incidence Ratio,SIR),可分析和比較當選組別在各區域的“吸票”能力,瞭解各組別的得票是否具有區域性差異,藉以探討不同社經背景選民在投票取向與候選組別背景上的關係。結果發現,在現時各候選組別政綱相對接近的情形下,不同組別在各區的得票情況大相徑庭,但選民的投票取向與候選組別的背景並未存在很高的關係。
From the perspective of the group affiliation of elected legislative assembly members (2013 and 2017), this paper, using the numbers of valid votes in different regions, calculates the Standardized Incidence Ratio (SIR) for individual elected groups so as to investigate the differences of competitiveness in gaining votes by groups of distinct affiliations from a regional perspective. Thus it aims to manifest the possible relationship between the social-economic backgrounds of voters and the backgrounds of electoral groups. Under the circumstance that there is not much difference among political platforms of competing groups, the paper finds that though electoral groups have shown regional differences in gaining votes, the backgrounds of candidate groups do not cast very strong effects on voters’ voting behavior. |
關鍵詞 Keywords |
澳門,立法會選舉,組別背景,區域性得票 Legislative Assembly Election, Group affiliation, Regional distribution of votes |
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候選組別背景與區域得票之分析──以當選立法會議員的區域性得票為視角alexkot Kot Ka Kit2022-07-26T12:41:51+08:00