Collusion Narcotics Trafficking ——Analysis of the Modern Hong Kong and Macau Government’s Management of Opium Trade between the Two Places
MO Shixiang
近代港英政府和澳葡政府深度介入乃至直接經營本地鴉片貿易,合謀協調兩地間的鴉 片經營與彼此收益,長期依賴鴉片收入作為各自的主要財政來源。1868-1887年清朝廣東官府“封鎖香港”的事件,經由港英政府提議與中國海關總稅務司、英國人赫德斡旋,促使清朝政府承認葡萄牙人“永駐、管理”澳門的事實。從此,港澳間的鴉片貿易進入中國海關查驗、徵收稅釐,港英、澳葡政府就地協助監管並同步分享本地包稅商壟斷的鴉片貿易所產生的高額利潤的新階段。在中外禁煙運動壓力下,1913年英、葡兩國政府簽署《管理香港和澳門殖民地鴉片專營協議》,秘密維持港澳鴉片貿易和政府分潤。港英政府和澳葡政府隨之先後實行鴉片官營,直接攫取鴉片貿易的最大利潤。近代港英政府和澳葡政府合謀販毒,成為歷史上的可恥一頁。

In modern times, the British Hong Kong Government and the Portuguese Macau government had deeply intervened and even directly operated opium trade between the two places, conspiring to coordinate the opium business and mutual income between the two places, and had long relied on opium income as their main source of finance. From 1868 to 1887, the Qing government officially “blocked Hong Kong”, though the Hong Kong British government proposed to mediate with the Chinese Maritime Customs and the Inspector General Robert Hart, prompted the Qing government to recognize the fact that the Portuguese “permanently manage” Macau. Since then, the opium trade between Hong Kong and Macau entered the Chinese Customs inspection and tax collection. The British Hong Kong, and Portuguese Macau governments had assisted in the supervision and simultaneous sharing of the new stage of high profits generated by the opium trade monopolized by local tax collectors. Under the pressure of the Chinese and foreigners anti-opium campaigns, in 1913, the British and Portuguese governments signed the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal for the Regulation of the Opium Monopolies in the Colonies of Hong Kong and Macau, secretly maintaining the opium trade and government distribution in Hong Kong and Macau. The British Hong Kong Government and the Macau Government had successively implemented opium official management to directly capture the maximum profits of the opium trade. The two governments conspired to narcotics trafficking, becoming a shameful page in history.

Opium trade, The British Hong Kong government, The Portuguese Macau government