時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2024 | 大灣區研究項目 | Study on the Greater Bay Area |
澳門居民於橫琴就業生活發展專項研究 | Research on the employment and life development of Macao residents in Hengqin | |
新冠疫情期間澳門青少年媒體使用與性愛觀調查 | Research on Macau Youth’s Media Usage and Attitude Towards Sex During the COVID-19 | |
「一步步」心理健康應用程式調研計劃 | Step-by-Step Mental Health Application Project | |
2024年澳門宏觀經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2024 | |
移工研究項目 | Migrant Research Project | |
澳門回歸25週年民意調查 | Public Opinion Survey on the 25th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2023 | 澳門居民於橫琴就業生活發展專項研究 | Research on the employment and life development of Macao residents in Hengqin |
「一步步」心理健康應用程式調研計劃 | Step-by-Step Mental Health Application Project | |
新冠疫情期間澳門青少年媒體使用與性愛觀調查 | Research on Macau Youth’s Media Usage and Attitude Towards Sex During the COVID-19 | |
針對低薪行業進行有關薪酬階梯連鎖反應的研究 | Research on the Linkage Effect of Wage Ladders in the Low-Pay Industries | |
2023年澳門宏觀經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2023 | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2022 | 粵港澳大灣區研究澳門居民參與狀況研究 | Study on the Participation of Macao Residents in the Greater Bay Area |
「一步步」心理健康應用程式調研計劃 | Step-by-Step Mental Health Application Project | |
COMET-19心理健康問卷調查 | COVID-19 Mental Health Survey (COMET) Mental health effects of the COVID-19 outbreak – a longitudinal international comparison | |
針對低薪行業進行有關薪酬階梯連鎖反應的研究 | Research on the Linkage Effect of Wage Ladders in the Low-Pay Industries | |
2022年澳門宏觀經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2022 | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2021 | 粵港澳大灣區研究澳門居民參與狀況研究 | Study on the Participation of Macao Residents in the Greater Bay Area |
2021 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2021 | |
「一步步」心理健康應用程式調研計劃 | Step-by-Step Mental Health Application Project | |
針對低薪行業進行有關薪酬階梯連鎖反應的研究 | Research on the Linkage Effect of Wage Ladders in the Low-Pay Industries | |
「澳門中產階級住房」調查 | Research Project on the Middle Class Mass Housing (MCMH) in Macau | |
2021年澳門宏觀經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2021 | |
COMET-19心理健康問卷調查 | COVID-19 Mental Health Survey (COMET) Mental health effects of the COVID-19 outbreak – a longitudinal international comparison | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2020 | 2020 電話調查 COVID-19 對澳門居民影響 | The 2020 Telephone Survey on COVID-19 Impact on Macau Citizen |
粵港澳大灣區研究澳門居民參與狀況研究 | Study on the Participation of Macao Residents in the Greater Bay Area | |
2020 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2020 | |
澳門行動不便長者無障礙生活環境調查 | The Study on the Barrier-free living environment for the elderly in Macau | |
「Kumusta, Kabayan!」: 改善海外菲律賓移工身心狀況的電子健康計劃 | “Kumusta, Kabayan!”: A digital health intervention to improve the well-being of overseas Filipino workers | |
COMET-19 心理健康問卷調查 | COVID-19 Mental Health Survey (COMET) Mental health effects of the COVID-19 outbreak – a longitudinal international comparison | |
2019-nCoV 對澳門企業營運影響研究項目 | 2019-nCoV impact on Macao business operations | |
「食物銀行申請者狀況」調查 | The Study on the Applicants’ Status of Food Bank | |
2020年澳門宏觀經濟預測 | Macau Macroeconomic Forecast 2020 | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2019 | 粵港澳大灣區研究澳門居民參與狀況研究 | Study on the Participation of Macao Residents in the Greater Bay Area |
2019 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2019 | |
2019 澳門經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2019 | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR | |
澳門特區公共服務素質評價 2017-2019 | Evaluation of Public Services Capability in Macau SAR (2017-2019) |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2018 | 粵港澳大灣區研究澳門居民參與狀況研究 | Study on the Participation of Macao Residents in the Greater Bay Area |
2018 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2018 | |
2018 澳門經濟預測 | Macau Economy Forecast 2018 | |
口述歷史:澳門特別行政區之歷史 | Oral History: The History of Macau SAR | |
澳門健康項目干預研究 | The Intervention Study on the Healthy Macau Project | |
澳門特區公共服務素質評價 2017-2019 | Evaluation of Public Services Capability in Macau SAR (2017-2019) |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2017 | 澳門基金會公眾形象及認知民意調查 | Images and Cognitions of Macao Foundation |
2017 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2017 |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2016 | 澳門婦女發展目標: 第二階段深化研究服務 | Macau Women Development Goals: Second Phrase Further Research Studies |
2016 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2016 | |
婦女發展目標 | Women Development Goals Studies | |
文化產業人力資源調查第二階段研究 | Culture Industry Human Resources Research Second Phase |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2015 | 2015 澳門居民媒介使用研究 | Media Usage Study 2015 |
澳門電影錄像及相關行業狀況調查 | Research Proposal about the status of Macau Movies, Videos and related Industry | |
澳門家犬及流浪犬族群數目調查 | Research on the number of pet dogs and stray dogs in Macau |
時段 Period | 研究項目 Projects | |
2014 | 澳門家庭友善政策研究 | Research on Family-Friendly Policies in Macau 2014 |
完善社會房屋制度研究 | Research on Comprehensive Social Housing System | |
居雅大廈經濟房屋住戶調查 | Economic Housing Owner Satisfaction and Suggestion Edifício Koi Nga | |
長者房屋政策研究 | The Housing Policy for Elderly |