Monthly Archives: August 2024

Successful Conclusion of the 2024 Summer Student Researcher Training Programme: Students Showcase Impressive Results
Aug 22 | Thu

The “2024 Summer Student Researcher Training Programme” jointly organized by the Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) of the ...

Asia-Pacific forum explores AI impact on journalism, communication
Aug 22 | Thu

由亞太傳播交流協會和亞太傳播論壇聯盟(澳門)共同主辦,澳門大學澳門研究中心、華東師範大學傳播學院合辦的“亞太傳播論壇2024”,於18日閉幕。 本次論壇主題“全球智媒傳播:賦能與共同未來”, 本次論壇以線上線下雙軌模式進行,聯合國教科文組 ...

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